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Holy Oil of St Therese

Holy Oil of St Therese

Regular price $12.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $12.00 USD
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St Thérèse of the Child Jesus is a powerful intercessor for our needs, and so many people have experienced her help through the graces and miracles she has obtained for them from God.

This oil has been exorcised and blessed, with a 1st class relic of St Therese of Lisieux, as an instrument for seeking the intercession of the Little Flower in whatever our need, e.g. healing of mind or body, strength or protection.

Each bottle of oil comes with a prayer card containing a prayer that may be used with the oil to ask for St Therese's intercession. Also includes a St Therese medal 

  • Each bottle contains 30ml/1oz of holy oil
  • Physical elements are olive oil and rose oil
  • 1962 Ritual used for the exorcism and blessing by a Roman Catholic priest
  • The price is not for the blessed oil itself but for the other materials.

This is a blessed sacramental and so cannot be sold.  The price attached is a suggested donation.  If you would like to give a different amount, or if you cannot afford any donation, please just contact us at and we can make alternative arrangements.

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